Monday, October 20, 2014

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

How many professional baseball teams are there in the world? Well, a lot.
Then, you might be curious. Why NY yankees? What have led them to be the best? Why are they the most famous team in the world? Why do people follow the yankees?

There are several reasons why people choose the yankees among the numerous baseball teams in the world.

1. NY Yankees is the one of the MLB teams.
  We can assume or argue that only the MLB teams play the best game in the world.
  However, no one can deny MLB is the top of the world's baseball leagues. All of the
  MLB teams take advantages of just being the part of MLB. Likewise, The yankees, the
  biggest team of MLB, takes advantages like the others do.

2. Advantage of being located in NYC.
  NY Yankees is the baseball team of NYC. NYC, one of the most attractive and
  desirable city in the world, brings the yankees more opportunities to expand their
  business. So many people in NYC have different backgrounds. They come from
  different cities or countries. Not only people who are from NYC, but also people who
  are from another part of the world can love the yankees. They can make their people
  to become a fan of the yankees.

3. Name value as 'NY Yankees'
 This factor goes similar with the second one. Many people have sort of fantasies about
 NYC. NY has the name value as itself. Same things happen with the name
 'NY Yankees'. The yankees has brand power as itself. The city contributes to work it.
 People consume NY Yankees itself and also the name value of NYC.

4. The new Yankees stadium.
 The new stadium provides better environment to watch their game. It's good news for
 the fans. And also there are so many tourists out there in the city, and they eager to
 experience the new stadium. This can be led to the power of ticket selling and another
 opportunities to attract new fans.

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