Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ch. 3 - Ethics & Social Responsibility

Ch. 3 - Ethics & Social Responsibility

A code of ethics of the yankees doesn't exist officially. However, some unwritten ethical behaviors exist. All of sports have unwritten ethical behaviors for a game, players, guests, coaches and even employees of a stadium.

Many ethical rules can be applied for them, but I assume the most important ethic for a baseball team is to play every game ethically. Don't cheat on another team or their fans. Cheating actually happens frequently in many games among players or between players and guests. Like many other baseball teams or any sports teams, the yankees follow the basic ethical rules. For example, hiding balls in a baseball game. It's not illegal, but sneaky and also it's not ethical behavior as a player.

The yankees have so many fans over the world. They want to visit the yankees' game and they actually do. In other words, so many people are at the yankees' stadium in the same time. This means so many problems can be happened and it can be any criminal or social issues. The yankees have responsibilities to prevent these problems before it happens in real and they have to take care of it.

The yankees don't have a official code of ethics, but they do have a guest code of conduct. They announce the code with this explanation.

"The Yankees' storied history and tradition are a reflection not only of the manager, players, coaches and front-office staff, but also of Guests visiting Yankees Stadium. The Yankees want all Guests to be able to enjoy the fun and excitement of Stadium events in a safe and comfortable environment. Guests will be treated in a consistent, professional and courteous manner by all Yankees Stadium Team Members, and the Yankees ask Guests for the same in return. To help maintain an enjoyable environment, the following guidelines have been established."
                                                   - Yankees Stadium Reference Guide

(You can find more information about their guest code of conduct here:

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